This Funder Tool Kit specifically highlights the U.S. Department of Education (ED). It includes news, priorities, funding opportunities, and award history, as well as proposal guidance and resources. The Funder Tool Kits are a collaborative effort between the UCF Libraries and OR Research Development Team.
Primo is an easy way to search almost all the content UCF can access, including the catalog, books, e-books, videos, articles, STARS Collections, and more.
ED Recent Stories - The News page is home to new or revised publications released by OCR, as well as any recent items of interest, such as press releases and fact sheets.
ED Annual Reports - see past reports on ED award data, priorities, and spending
ED Publications - view publications sorted by topic area
ED Official Blog - from
Pivot database (ED saved search) - find, track and share current/anticipated ED opportunities
Apply for an ED Grant - browse current funding opportunities from the US Department of Education (ED)
IES funding - view opportunities from ED's Institute for Education Sciences (IES)
IES funding webinars - IES developed this series of on-demand webinars for those interested in FY 2019 funding opportunities.
Overview of IES Research and Research Training Grant Programs (opportunity search) - Browse current/forecasted education-related funding opportunities
IES Award Search - Search entire database
ED FY 2020-2024 Awards List - UCF-specific, search entire database
FOIA Request Information (ED)
Sample Awards - The grant applications posted in the FOIA Library are provided as a courtesy. Because the documents have been produced by entities outside of the U.S. Department of Education who are not subject to the Department's standards for the accessibility of documents posted on the Internet, this material may not be accessible to individuals with disabilities. In addition, the process of redaction and image scanning may further hamper the accessibility of these documents
The OR Research Development team maintains a library of internal/external submitted proposals and can assist with securing a sample and submitting FOIA requests. Contact for more information.
ED Writing Competitive Grant Applications
Education Grants: Application, Management, & Closeout - Grant Making at ED Answers to Your Questions About the Discretionary Grants Process
Grants Training and Management Resources - Online Grants Training Courses
ED Toolkit - overview of ED including the structure, key programs, award cycles and review processes.
G6-Portal - Information on ED's online grants system
ED Panel Discussion with UCF Professors Dr. Lisa Dieker, Dr. Mary Little, and Dr. Eleazar Vasquez.
U.S. Department of Education Public Data Listing
IES Policy Regarding Public Access to Research
UCF Library Support - The UCF library maintains a Data Management Research Guide. You can schedule a consultation to meet with a librarian for an in-depth one on one consultation specific to your research topic.
This guide provides quick-reference information and templates for specific sections required in most ED proposals (refer to the RFP for special requirements). Content is based on the U.S. Department of Education website.
Grant Application and Other Forms (all programs)
SF 424 Form - Application Form for Federal Assistance (Core Form)
ED 524 Form and Instructions (Budget Information, Non-Construction Programs)
ED 524 Example for Training Grants: Additional Indirect Cost Information
ED 524 Example for Grants under Restricted Rate Programs: Additional Indirect Cost Information
ED 524-B Form – Grant Performance Report (Part I – Cover Sheet and Summary)
ED 524-B From – Grant Performance Report (Part 2 – Project Status)
ED 524-B From – Grant Performance Report (Part 3 – Instructions)
Please note, the most user friendly way to complete an ED application is to download the application package (an interactive .pdf with forms and places to upload application documents) from or to ensure all required forms are present.
The OR Research Development Team can provide support with proposal coordination, templates, samples, supplemental documents, reviews, and more. Visit our website for more information.
This point of contact is very familiar with ED priorities/processes and can give helpful advice to increase the competitiveness of your proposal.
Megan Kellogg
Research Development Specialist II
UCF Office of Research, Research Development
Additionally, information on Office of Research points of contact related to contracts, proposal submission, compliance, tech transfer, IRB, and IACUC is available at
Now that you have found the perfect funding opportunity, let us help you build the perfect proposal. The OR Research Development team can help with planning, preparation assistance, draft review feedback, informational resources, and more! Visit our website for next steps information.
Find potential collaborators via the PIVOT Database - Run a search or View tutorials
Find scholarship by ED Awardees with the Web of Knowledge - View tutorial or Search now
See ED awardees using the USA Spending Database - UCF-specific or Search all awards
The OR Research Development Team would be happy to help search for potential collaborators at UCF. Visit our website for more information.