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Funder Tool Kits: SAMHSA


This Funder Tool Kit specifically highlights the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). It includes news, priorities, funding opportunities, and award history, as well as proposal guidance and resources. The Funder Tool Kits are a collaborative effort between the UCF Libraries and OR Research Development Team.




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FIND INFORMATION: News, Funding Opportunities, and Past Awards

SAMHSA 2023-2026 Strategic Plan

SAMHSA Newsroom - press announcements, quarterly newsletter, and media highlights of initiatives and other activities

SAMHSA Publications - view publications sorted by topic area

SAMHSA and NIH held a webinar and online question and answer session to explain the new eRA application process and offer support resources. The following is available:

SAMHSA Blog -  Behavioral health topics, new programs, and reports

Pivot database (SAMHSA saved search) - find, track and share current/anticipated SAMHSA funding opportunities

Apply for a SAMHSA Grant - Browse current funding opportunities on the SAMHSA website. SAMHSA makes grant funds available through the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, and the Center for Mental Health Services. Find funding opportunities that support programs for substance use disorders and mental illness, and learn about the grant application, review, and management process.

Complete List of Awards - Searchable, including University of Central Florida

Grant Awards by State - This site provides information on grants issued by SAMHSA for mental health and substance abuse services by State.

SAMHSA Grant Awards Archive - FY 2001 through FY 2022 awards

FOIA Request Information (SAMHSA)

The OR Research Development team maintains a library of internal/external submitted proposals and can assist with securing a sample and submitting FOIA requests. Contact Research Development for more information.

PLAN YOUR PROPOSAL: Guidance and Resources

SAMHSA Grants Fact Sheet - Detailed information about SAMHSA’s efforts to improve grants management and oversight.

SAMHSA Grant Review Process

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms for SAMHSA Grants

Directory of Single State Agencies (SSA) for Substance Abuse Services

Directory of Single State Mental Health Agencies

Evidence-based tools for SAMHSA proposal development:

SAMHSA Grant Application Technical Assistance Resources

  • Grant-Specific Questions? Contact the person(s) listed under "Agency Contact" in the Request for Applications (RFA)
  • General Grants Questions? Call SAMHSA's Division of Grants Mgmt. at 240-276-1400
  • Problems Submitting Your Application on Contact the Helpdesk:

Grants 101 Guide from - Federal Grant Lifecycle

SAMHSA Data Reports

SAMHSA Publications and Resources on Data, Outcomes, and Quality

UCF Library Support - The UCF library maintains a Data Management Research Guide. You can schedule a consultation to meet with a librarian for an in-depth one on one consultation specific to your research topic.

  • Crafting the Data Management Plan
  • DMP Tool - Create, review, and share DMPs that meet institutional and funder requirements. The DMP Tool Blog and Webinar Series provide helpful guidance.
  • STARS - UCF researchers are eligible to submit materials to STARS, a university-wide digital repository hosted on the Digital Commons platform (a comprehensive hosted solution for storing, managing, and sharing data). Click here to visit the researcher portion of the FAQs for STARS.
  • - The Registry of Research Data Repositories is a tool for helping identify and locate online repositories of research data. 

DRAFT YOUR PROPOSAL: Section Instructions and Templates

This guide provides quick-reference information and templates for specific sections required in most SAMHSA proposals (refer to the RFP for special requirements). Content is based on the website.

Developing A Competitive SAMHSA Grant Application Manual

Standard SAMHSA Application Components and Supporting Documents:

All forms can be found at the R&R Family Forms site. Please remember to complete ALL forms required of each individual SAMHSA RFP/RFA application package. The most user friendly way to complete a SAMHSA application is to download the application package (an interactive .pdf with forms and places to upload application documents) from or to ensure all required forms are present.

The OR Research Development Team can provide support with proposal coordination, templates, samples, supplemental documents, reviews, and more. Visit our website for more information.


SAMHSA Point of Contact at UCF

This point of contact is very familiar with SAMHSA  priorities/processes and can give helpful advice to increase the competitiveness of your proposal.

Megan Kellogg
Research Development Specialist II
UCF Office of Research, Research Development

Additionally, information on OR points of contact related to contracts, proposal submission, compliance, tech transfer, IRB, and IACUC is available at 

Support from UCF Librarians

Citation Management

Data Management Plans

Publishing & Author Rights

STARS - Data Hosting

Support across the Research Lifecycle

Literature Review (select by subject from the list below):

General Proposal Support from Research Development Team

Now that you have found the perfect funding opportunity, let us help you build the perfect proposal. The OR Research Development team can help with planning, preparation assistance, draft review feedback, informational resources, and more! Visit our website for next steps information.

Find Potential Collaborators

Find potential collaborators via the PIVOT Database - Run a search or View tutorials

Find scholarship resulting from SAMHSA Awards with the Web of Science View tutorial or Search now

Search awardees in the SAMHSA Award Database Search now

The OR Research Development Team would be happy to help search for potential collaborators at UCF. Visit our website for more information.