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Funder Tool Kits: NEH


This Funder Tool Kit specifically highlights the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). It includes news, priorities, funding opportunities, and award history, as well as proposal guidance and resources. The Funder Tool Kits are a collaborative effort between the UCF Libraries and OR Research Development Team.


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FIND INFORMATION: News, Funding Opportunities, and Past Awards

NEH Strategic Plan

About the NEH

Budget / Performance / Legal Documents - Information on NEH's Budget, Planning, and Performance Results (Budget Appropriations, Budget Requests to Congress, Annual Reports and Administrative Reports)

Our Work

Social Media - guidelines and helpful links

No FEAR Act Notice

NEH Contact Information

Pivot database (NEH saved search) - find, track, and share current/anticipated funding opportunities

NEH Resource - Match Your Project to a Grant Program

NEH - Search for a Grant - Opportunities listed at the NEH website (NEH search) - Browse current/forecasted NEA funding opportunities

NEH Awards Database - Searchable database of NEH awards. Grants can be searched by state, congressional district, institution, key word, or by year. 

Sample Proposals - The National Endowment for the Humanities typically provides three to four sample proposals for each funding opportunity. The following are links to samples to a few grant programs provided by NEH.  Scroll through the page to find the samples.

This list is a just a small selection of the samples which NEH makes available. More samples are available at the NEH FOIA Samples Application Narratives list and individual NEH program announcements.

NEH FOIA Guide - Additional information about NEH’s FOIA program and other FOIA resources can be found by accessing the links below:

Privacy Act Program and Requests

The OR Research Development Team maintains a library of internal/external submitted proposals and can assist with securing a sample and submitting FOIA requests. Contact for more information.

PLAN YOUR PROPOSAL: Guidance and Resources

UCF Library Support - The UCF library maintains a Data Management Research Guide. You can schedule a consultation to meet with a librarian for an in-depth one on one consultation specific to your research topic.

  • Crafting the Data Management Plan
  • DMP Tool - Create, review, and share DMPs that meet institutional and funder requirements. The DMP Tool Blog and Webinar Series provide helpful guidance.
  • STARS - UCF researchers are eligible to submit materials to STARS, a university-wide digital repository hosted on the Digital Commons platform (a comprehensive hosted solution for storing, managing, and sharing data). Click here to visit the researcher portion of the FAQs for STARS.
  • - The Registry of Research Data Repositories is a tool for helping identify and locate online repositories of research data. 

DRAFT YOUR PROPOSAL: Section Instructions and Templates

This guide provides quick-reference information and templates for specific sections required in most NEH proposals (refer to the RFP for special requirements). Content is based on the website. is the platform used for NEH application submissions. Each application has specified required forms. Please follow the RFP and application guidelines. Please refer to NEH Divisions, NEH Guidelines for Organizations, and specific funding programs for additional information.

Typical mandatory forms in NEH application packages:

Typical NEH grant applications may include the following:

  1. Application Cover Sheet (1 page)
  2. Statement of Significance and Impact (1 page)
  3. Table of Contents (1 page)
  4. Project Narrative
    • Style - Individuals with a variety of professional backgrounds will read these applications and advise NEH on their merits. Project narratives should be written so that they can be understood by persons who may not have the same technical awareness as the applicant
    • Formatting - Follow the specific funding announcement guidelines. Use single-spaced, one-inch margins, 11pt font unless otherwise specified
    • Evaluation Criteria - See specific announcements for program-specific evaluation criteria to address
    • Work Plan - Describe the work plan in detail, including a schedule indicating what will be accomplished during each stage of the project
    • Staff - Identify project staff, duties and qualifications
    • Dissemination Plan - Explain how the results of the project will be disseminated in print and electronic forms
  5.  Budget Form - While all items should be justified by the narrative, further explanation may be included in brief budget notes. 
  6.  Appendices - Use appendices to provide:
    • Representative samples of the final or anticipated form of the work, prefaced with explanatory notes (if applicable); 
    • Brief Resumes (2 pages max each) for staff with major responsibilities for the project's implementation;
    • Job descriptions for any additional staff who will be hired specifically to work on the project;
    • Letters of Commitment from outside participants and cooperating institutions; and
    • Letters of Support (if allowed). Such letters will be more useful if they address the criteria for funding established for this category (see below).
  7. History of Grants - If the project has received previous support from any federal or nonfederal sources, including NEH, list on one page the sources, dates, and amounts of these funds. If the project has a long history of support, the sources and contributions may be grouped and summarized.
  8. Consultants and Advisory Board Members - List consultants to the project, members of the project's advisory board (if there is one), and authors of letters of support (if provided).
  9. List of Suggested Evaluators - Provide the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of up to eight potential evaluators, briefly indicating why each one would be appropriate. Do not list persons who would be excluded as reviewers because of federal rules governing conflict of interest. 

The OR Research Development Team can provide support with proposal coordination, templates, samples, supplemental documents, reviews, and more. Visit our website for more information.


NEH Point of Contact at UCF

This point of contact is very familiar with NEH  priorities/processes and can give helpful advice to increase the competitiveness of your proposal.

Kristin Wetherbee
​Director of Research Programs/Services
College of Arts & Humanities
University of Central Florida
(407) 823-0908

Additionally, information on Office of Research points of contact related to contracts, proposal submission, compliance, tech transfer, IRB, and IACUC is available at 

Support from UCF Librarians

Citation Management

Data Management Plans

Publishing & Author Rights

STARS - Data Hosting

Support across the Research Lifecycle

Literature Review (select by subject from the list below):

General Proposal Support from Research Development Team

Now that you have found the perfect funding opportunity, let us help you build the perfect proposal. The OR Research Development team can help with planning, preparation assistance, draft review feedback, informational resources, and more! Visit our website for next steps information.

EARLIER - Support for Large, Complex Proposals with Significant Impact

A unique approach to supporting large, complex proposal submissions.

Find Potential Collaborators

Find potential collaborators with the PIVOT Database Run a search or View tutorials

Find scholarship by NEH Awardees with the Web of Knowledge View tutorial or Search now

See awardees using the NEH Award Database - Search all NEH Awards

The OR Research Development Team would be happy to help search for potential collaborators at UCF. Visit our website for more information.