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UCF is a Patent & Trademark Resource Center (PTRC), part of "a nationwide network of public, state and academic libraries that are designated to disseminate patent and trademark information and to support the diverse intellectual property needs of the public."
Accessing patent and trademark information with the help of a trained PTRC library representative, you may be able to determine if someone else has already patented your invention or obtained a federal registration for a trademark on goods or services.
The librarian may answer questions regarding the patent and trademark processes, but they will not provide legal advice or determine patentability. This policy is not only for the protection of our users, but also providing such advice violates the rules and laws governing the practice of law.
The trained specialists at UCF can show you how to locate materials and forms online (there are no print application forms available at the PTRC) and get you started in searching the patent and trademark databases.
However, a PTRC librarian:
Before setting up an appointment: