Patent, copyright & trademark: an intellectual property desk referenceCall Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- KF2980 .E44 2014
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Whether you're an inventor, designer, writer or programmer, you need to understand the language of intellectual property law. Otherwise, you can't intelligently deal with intellectual property issues such as: . who owns creative works or valuable information . how owners can protect and enforce their ownership rights . how disputes between intellectual property owners can be resolved, and . how ownership rights can best be transferred to others. With Patent, Copyright & Trademark, you will: . get clear overviews of relevant laws . understand the different kinds of protection offered by patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets -- and which apply to your work . get a plain-English definition of every term you're likely to come across, and . find the information you need, quickly and easily -- all entries are organized by topic and extensively cross-referenced. This edition has been updated to reflect the latest changes in intellectual property law and provides the latest U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rules and forms. It includes up-to-date discussions of the new ""first to file"" rule, which promises to revolutionize patent law. Plus, read all new Q&As excerpted from author Richard Stim's popular blog, "Dear Rich".