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It is recommended that an attorney be consulted when an interpretation of the law is needed. UCF library staff are not able to provide any legal advice. Patent Assistance Information

How to Get Started

When you think you have a patented idea, before you begin the patent process, you should answer these few questions:

  1. Understand what a patent does 
  2. Keep a record of your invention 
  3. Make sure your invention qualifies 
  4. Assess the commercial potential 
  5. Do a thorough patent search 

Once you think you have a unique idea, you can begin the process of searching products that have been patented to make sure your idea has not already been designed, developed or submitted and not yet approved. 

USPTO Patent Search Strategy


Here are a variety of tutorials that may assist with understanding different aspects of the U.S. patent system, CPC classification, patent searching, and the application process.

The University of Minnesota Libraries have produced two highly interactive tutorials: