"The war on terror requires greater cooperation among countries and a deeper understanding of terrorism’s causes and manifestations. This program spotlights five nations caught in the crosshairs to examine regional history, terror-related issues, and counterterrorism actions"
"In al Qaeda’s global jihad against the West, videos of smiling suicide bombers and insurgent ambushes have become as important as the attacks they glorify. This program illustrates in chilling detail how Islamic extremists use the power of the Internet and the network sound bite."
"Religious fundamentalism underpins some of the world’s most intractable political problems as members of fundamentalist groups seek to influence both domestic and international policy. After identifying general hallmarks of fundamentalist belief, this program places fundamentalist movements within the Christian, Jewish, Islamic, and Hindu religions into their cultural and historical contexts."
formed by the union of "Conflict" (1978-1991) and "Terrorism" (1977-1991)
"seeks to publish the best theoretical and empirical studies that contribute to a better understanding of the causes of these conflicts and the measures required to achieve their resolution"
Country Reports on Terrorism / Patterns of Global Terrorism
previous titles: Patterns of Global Terrorism (1983-2003); Patterns of International Terrorism (1980-1983); International Terrorism (1976-1979); International & Transnational Terrorism--Diagnosis & Prognosis (1976)
Classified government document collections consisting of over 94,000 documents covering critical world events, countries, and U.S. policy decisions from post World War II through the 21st century
Afghanistan: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1973–1990
Argentina, 1975-1980: The Making of U.S. Human Rights Policy
The Berlin Crisis, 1958–1962
Chile and the United States: U.S. Policy toward Democracy, Dictatorship, and Human Rights, 1970–1990
China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960–1998
CIA Covert Operations: From Carter to Obama, 1977-2010
CIA Family Jewels Indexed [free index]
Colombia and the United States: Political Violence, Narcotics, and Human Rights, 1948-2010
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
The Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited: An International Collection of Documents, From the Bay of Pigs to the Brink of Nuclear War
Death Squads, Guerrilla War, Covert Operations, and Genocide: Guatemala and the United States, 1954-1999
El Salvador: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1977–1984
El Salvador: War, Peace, and Human Rights, 1980–1994
Iran: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1977–1980
The Iran-Contra Affair: The Making of a Scandal, 1983–1988
Iraqgate: Saddam Hussein, U.S. Policy and the Prelude to the Persian Gulf War, 1980–1994
Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, 1960–1976
Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, 1977–1992
Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, Part III, 1961-2000
The Kissinger Telephone Conversations: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977
The National Security Agency: Organization and Operations, 1945-2009
Nicaragua: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1978–1990
Peru: Human Rights, Drugs and Democracy, 1980-2000
The Philippines: U.S. Policy During the Marcos Years, 1965–1986
Presidential Directives on National Security, Part I: From Truman to Clinton
Presidential Directives on National Security, Part II: From Truman to George W. Bush
South Africa: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1962–1989
The Soviet Estimate: U.S. Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947–1991
Terrorism and U.S. Policy, 1968–2002
The United States and the Two Koreas (1969-2000)
U.S. Espionage and Intelligence, 1947–1996
U.S. Intelligence and China: Collection, Analysis and Covert Action
The U.S. Intelligence Community After 9/11
The U.S. Intelligence Community: Organization, Operations and Management, 1947–1989
U.S. Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction: From World War II to Iraq
U.S. Military Uses of Space, 1945–1991
U.S. Nuclear History: Nuclear Arms and Politics in the Missile Age, 1955–1968
U.S. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy, 1945–1991
U.S. Policy in the Vietnam War, Part I: 1954-1968
U.S. Policy in the Vietnam War, Part II: 1969-1975
Homeland Security Digital Library (U.S. Naval Postgraduate School)
Global Terrorism Database and Worldwide Incidents Tracking System (1970+)
eDocuments - thousands of reports, studies, books and journals, organized into 90 categories such as:
Patterns of Global Terrorism
Terrorism in the United States
First Responders
Oklahoma City Bombing
Building Security
Al Qaeda
World Trade Center
What You Can Do/Neighborhood Terrorism Prevention
Lessons Learned
Emergency Management
Free registration provides additional access to:
Terrorism Reference Library - "Provides students with an understanding of the complex issue of global terrorism. Explores the roots and evolution of terrorism, covering the nature of contemporary terrorism and terrorist organizations."
Encyclopedia of Terrorism - "More than 300 articles provide detailed discussions of the who, what, where, when, and why of terrorism, including definitions of key terms, famous cases, biographies, laws, and law enforcement techniques."
War & Terrorism Collection - 100 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals, plus:
Americans at War - "explains to students how mobilization for war and how wars themselves have altered the fabric of everyday life"
Dictionary of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - "covers the history of the conflict, going back to the birth of Zionism at the end of the 19th century"
Encyclopedia of Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity - "traces the history of events that qualify as genocide and crimes against humanity, profiles perpetrators and heroes, and explains international laws and law proceedings aimed at ending genocide and crimes against humanity"
Encyclopedia of U.S. National Security - "Covers the origin, development, and results of all major national security policies over the last seven decades"
Expert analysts dissect specific terrorist acts or types of acts, explore the goals beyond the violence, illuminate the psychology of terrorism, trace the origins and development of terrorist movements, contrast domestic terrorism with extraterritorial threats, compare state-sponsored and independent terrorist activities, and address the formidable problem of developing feasible counter-terrorist measures and policies.
117 reels
Print guides for each set are available in the Reference Collection
Online guides to supplements 4-7 for which the microfilm is not available in the UCF Libraries:
A periodical collection of hand selected titles for analysts, risk management professionals and students of military science, history, social science.
over 100 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals, including the following full-text, peer-reviewed journals:
Air Force Journal of Logistics
Air Force Law Review
Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ)
Armed Forces & Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Biosecurity & Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, & Science
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Canadian-American Public Policy
Civil War History
Denver Journal of International Law & Policy
Ethics & International Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy
Harvard International Review
International Journal of Politics & Ethics
International Journal on World Peace
Israel Studies
Journal for the Study of Antisemitism
Journal of Homeland Security Education
Journal of International Affairs
Middle East Policy
Military Thought
Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women & the Military
Multinational Monitor
Naval War College Review
Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal
Perspectives on Political Science
Political Science Quarterly
Social Justice
Spectrum: the Journal of State Government
State Crime Journal
Urban History Review
U.S. Army Medical Department Journal
War, Literature & the Arts
White House Studies
World Affairs
World Policy Journal
and various reports from the Strategic Studies Institute, including:
The 2006 Lebanon Campaign & the Future of Warfare: Implications for Army & Defense Policy
Accessing Talent: The Foundation of a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy
Affairs of State: The Interagency & National Security
The American Military Advisor: Dealing with Senior Foreign Officials in the Islamic World
Baloch Nationalism & the Geopolitics of Energy Resources: The Changing Context of Separatism in Pakistan
Dealing with Political Ferment in Latin America
Jordanian National Security & the Future of Middle East Stability
Short of a General War: Perspectives on the Use of Military Power in the 21st Century