American Time Use by New Strategist Publications (Editor)ISBN: 9781935114857
Publication Date: 2010-06-01
If you have ever wondered while watching TV why advertisers are so intent on selling snacks or sleep aids or cleaning products--or even why they spend so much money on television advertising itself--American Time Use: Who Spends How Long at What has the answer. The second edition of American Time Use presents detailed time use data for the two most important demographic characteristics for determining how people spend their time--their age and sex.American Time Use puts you in the know, showing you what others are doing--from teens (15-to-19-year-olds) to young adults (20-to-24-year-olds), from parents (25-to-34- and 35-to-44-year-olds) to empty-nesters (45-to-54- and 55-to-64-year-olds) and from the go-go elderly to the slow-go elderly (65-to-74-year-olds and those aged 75 or older). The time use of men and women in each age group are compared and contrasted as well.The detailed time use data presented in American Time Use are not available on any government web site. They were obtained by special request from the Bureau of Labor Statistics then analyzed by New Strategist's statisticians, who produced the valuable comparisons of time use by lifecycle stage.