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Statistics, Demographics and Census: Other Sources

The American Generations Series

The American Generations Series provides information about:
Education -- Health -- Housing -- Income -- Labor force -- Living arrangements -- Population -- Spending -- Wealth

List of Lists -- "We've collected and analyzed data from numerous sources to create as complete and interesting profiles of all U.S. cities as we could. We have over 74,000 city photos not found anywhere else, graphs of latest real estate prices and sales trends, recent home sales, home value estimator, hundreds of thousands of maps, satellite photos, stats about residents (race, income, ancestries, education, employment...), geographical data, state profiles, crime data, registered sex offenders, cost of living, housing, religions, businesses, local news links based on our exclusive technology, birthplaces of famous people, political contributions, city government finances and employment, weather, tornadoes, earthquakes, hospitals, schools, libraries, houses, airports, radio and TV stations, zip codes, area codes, air pollution, latest unemployment data, time zones, water systems and their health and monitoring violations, comparisons to averages, local poverty details, professionally written city guides, car accidents, fires, bridge conditions, cell phone and other towers, mortgage data, business storefront photos, a forum and a social network with 1,000,000 registered members and 17,000,000 posts, blogs, 5,000 user-submitted facts, 27,000 exclusive local business profiles with photos, restaurant inspection results, and more demographics. If you ever need to research any city, zip code, or neighborhood for any reason, from considering a move there to just checking where somebody you know is staying, this is the site for you."

A Matter of Fact (1990-2001)


Agriculture Statistics

Encyclopedia of Measurement & Statistics


Harper's Index

Where Can I Get European Statistics?

Where Can I Get European Statistics? -- provides links to sections of the Intute site.

Crime Statistics

Food Atlases

Relative Worth Comparisons

Quandl - Find, Use & Share Numerical Data

Beloit College Mindset List