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Business & Economics -- Government Resources: Securities & Exchange Commission

Search the EDGAR Database

Search the EDGAR Database

Full-Text Search (most recent 4 years)

TIP: Use the Advanced Search to restrict your search to specific form types (e.g. 10-K or DEF 14A), company name, Central Index Key (CIK), Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), or date range.

Identifying a Company's CIK

  • CIK Lookup - "The Central Index Key (CIK) is used on the SEC's computer systems to identify corporations and individual people who have filed disclosure with the SEC. You can use the CIK to search for company or fund filings on EDGAR."
  • Company Database Search provides more search parameters for identifying a company.

Researching Public Companies Through EDGAR: A Guide for Investors - "To use EDGAR most effectively, you should know which categories of information appear in which SEC filings and which search methods will work best. You also should understand the system’s limitations. In this guide, you'll find tips for using EDGAR and answers to frequently asked questions about researching public companies."

Archives (1994+)

Older Annual Reports Available Online in LexisNexis Academic (1972-1995)

Executive Compensation

Executive Compensation - "The easiest place to look up information on executive pay is probably the annual proxy statement. Annual reports on Form 10-K and registration statements might simply refer you to the information in the annual proxy statement, rather than presenting the information directly."

How can I obtain a copy of a company's annual proxy statement?

  • DEF 14A - 'To view the annual proxy statement, select the most recent filing that has the title "DEF 14A." It's called a "DEF 14A" because it's the "definitive," or final, proxy statement. "14A" refers to the fact that proxy statements are filed pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.'
  • EDGAR Company Search to retrieve DEF 14A filing
  • SEC Proxy Statements (Apr 1993+)
  • Executive Compensation from Proxy Statements (1991+)

Other sources for executive compensation information