See also Occupational Outlook Quarterly
Compensation & Working Conditions "contains analytical articles, news items, summary information presented as single page charts or tables, and statistical data on occupational pay, Employment Cost Index, employee benefits, occupational injuries & illnesses, and major work stoppages."
CPI Detailed Report - a monthly report on consumer price movements and indexes.
Employment & Earnings provides statistical data for households, establishments, and the labor force, including earnings by detailed occupation, union affiliation, minimum wages, and employee absences.
Monthly Labor Review- "the principal journal of fact, analysis, and research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.... Each month, economists, statisticians, and experts from the Bureau join with private sector professionals and State and local government specialists to provide a wealth of research in a wide variety of fields—the labor force, the economy, employment, inflation, productivity, occupational injuries and illnesses, wages, prices, and many more."
PPI Detailed Report - a monthly report on producer price movements and indexes.