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Statistics, Demographics and Census: Population Projections & Estimates

Population Projections

1970-2040 Florida County Population Data (Florida Legislature EDR)
1970-2020 Florida Population Estimates (Florida Dept of Health) - Source: Population estimates are provided by the Florida Legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR). Population data shown on CHARTS and EDR's website may not agree, since EDR revises its population estimates twice a year and CHARTS population data are not revised as often.  Age-group data is provided by EDR in 5-year intervals (e.g. 0-4, 5-9, 10-14 etc.). Individual year of age populations are calculated by dividing the 5-year totals by 5.
1995-2030 State Population Projections (U.S. Census) [no longer updated]
1995-2100 National Population Projections (U.S. Census)
1950-2050 International Data Base (U.S. Census) - includes data for individual countries