Southeast News Releases & Tables
Employment Projections Program "develops information about the labor market for the Nation as a whole for 10 years in the future."
American Time Use Survey (ATUS) - annual information on how people spend their time
Benefits - comprehensive data on access to, participation in, and provisions of employee benefit plans
Business Employment Dynamics (BDM) - quarterly data series of gross job gains & gross job losses statistics
Compensation Cost Trends (ECI & ECEC) - quarterly indexes measuring change over time in labor costs (ECI) and quarterly data measuring level of average costs per hour worked (ECEC)
Earnings Statistics from the Current Population Survey (CPS) - national data on usual weekly earnings, hourly earnings, employment, unemployment, and other labor market topics by demographic characteristics; includes earnings by occupation for men and for women
International Labor Comparisons (ILC) - comparative information by country on productivity and unit labor costs; compensation; labor force, employment, and unemployment; and consumer prices
Job Openings & Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) - monthly data on job openings, hires, and separations
National Compensation Survey (NCS) - Integrated data from separate BLS compensation surveys
National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) - several surveys gathering information at multiple points in time about the labor market and life experiences of six groups of American men, women, and youth
Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) - data on employment & wages for over 800 occupations and for about 400 nonfarm industries for the nation, plus occupational data for States and metropolitan areas
Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages (QCEW) - comprehensive employment & wage data by industry and geographic area