"Young Adult" (YA) is not a genre. YA refers to a category of books written for and about teens, typically ages 12-18. These books exist in nearly every genre, including but not limited to: contemporary realism, science fiction/fantasy, mystery, horror, romance, and nonfiction. Since the publication of S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders in 1967 (often considered the birth of modern YA), young adult literature has expanded to become its own industry, with over 10,000 YA books published in 2012 (source). With more and more books published every year, it can be daunting to sort through them all to find the right book.
Within this guide, you will find lists of prestigious award winners along with the CMC's recommendations in various genres and subgenres to help you get started. As always, if you're in need of further assistance, stop by the CMC or send us an email! We're happy to help.
Searching for young adult books in the UCF Libraries catalog? Here's some steps to follow to get the most relevant results:
Keyword searching tips: