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NUR 3825 Role of the Professional Nurse: Practice 3

Practice Exercises 3

Academic Search Premier via EBSCOhost

Access Academic Search Premier from the UCF Library homepage using your 14 digit activated library number and password (usually the last four digits of your social security number).

After you login, select Academic Search Premier.

Type nurs* shortage in the first search line (including the asterisk).

Leave the field as ‘Select a Field’ (this is similar to a ‘keyword’ or ‘Default Fields’ search).

Type job satisfaction in the second line and leave the field as ‘Select a Field’.

Click on the ‘Refine Search’ tab. Place a check in the Peer Reviewed box.

Click on Search.

Scroll down and find the article, “A comparative analysis of contemporary nurses’ discontents” click on the SFX link. Next, click on the link for Synergy Blackwell Journals.

(Remember: Sometimes when you click on a database listed in SFX to retrieve a full-text article, it doesn’t work. If this happens, write down the information and go back to the library homepage, click on Article and Databases and select the database directly).

Scroll down to view the article (PDF).

How many References does this article have?

a. 10

b. 15

c. 27

d. 37


MEDLINE (via PubMed)

From the UCF Library homepage, click on “Articles & Databases”. Type in your 14-digit activated library ID number and password in the off-campus access box and click on LOGIN. Answer “yes” to the Security Alert question. Click on ‘P’ in the alphabetical line under the “You have logged in” text.

Select ‘PubMed’.

Put the phrase sleep depriv* and ICU or intensive care in the top row of search boxes.

Click on the ‘Limits’ tab. Scroll down to ‘Languages’ and check the ‘English’ box. Under ‘Subsets’, put a checkmark next to ‘Nursing Journals’. Click 'Go’.

4. How many articles did you find?

a. More than 500

b. 100 - 500

c. 50 - 100

d. Less than 50

Go back to the search box.

Put parentheses around the phrase ICU or intensive care so the search string looks like this: sleep depriv* and (ICU or intensive care).

5. How many articles did you find?

a. More than 500

b. 100 - 500

c. 50 - 100

d. Less than 50

Scroll down and find the article “Sleep disturbance: the patient care activities applied at the night shift in the intensive care unit” (Jan 2005) by Celik, Öztekin, Akyolcu & Işsever.

Click on the Authors’ names to view the record. In the top left corner (directly below the limits tab), change the display field from AbstractPlus to Citation.

From here you can read the abstract, follow one of the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) links, or click on SFX to find the full text (use the Synergy Blackwell Journals link).

Subject Guide

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Andy Todd
University Tower, Rm. 457, UCF Orlando Campus, 407.823.0713

EFSC/UCF Joint-Use Library, UCF Cocoa Campus, 407.823.0713