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American Veterans for Equal Rights "is a non-profit, chapter-based association of active, reserve and veteran servicemembers dedicated to full and equal rights and equitable treatment for all present and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces."
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Disabled Veterans of America
The Gay Military Times "is dedicated to providing a voice to the movement to achieve equality in America's armed forces so that patriotic American volunteers may serve our nation openly and in pride regardless of sexual orientation."
Palm Center "is a research institute of the University of California, Santa Barbara, committed to sponsoring state-of-the-art scholarship to enhance the quality of public dialogue about critical and controversial issues of the day." Available reports include:
Proud2Serve: Serving Britain's Armed Forces "a resource and network for the military community on matters of sexuality and sexual orientation in Her Majesty's Armed Forces."
Service Academy Alumni Groups:
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network "is a non-partisan, non-profit, legal services, watchdog and policy organization dedicated to ending discrimination against and harassment of military personnel affected by "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT)."
Servicemembers United "was founded to continue and expand upon the work and success of the Spring 2006 Call To Duty Tour and is already the largest all-veteran organization dedicated to educating the American public about the ban on known gay men and women in the military."
"Gays in the Military", Congressional Digest, April 2010, pages 97-126.
Reports from U.S. Government Accountability Office:
Out of the Closet: Addressing Policy Options : A Monograph by Yvette C. Hopkins. An academic research paper at the School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, [2000]
Issues: Military (Human Rights Campaign)
American Law Reports provide detailed discussions concerning legal issues with extensive summaries of relevant court cases.
Reference KF 132.A5...
Congressional Research Service Reports
Marriage and Family