See coverage of the Miami Alcohol Ordinance in "An Essay on the History of Lesbian & Gay Rights in Florida" by Allan H. Terl, Nova Law Review, 2000, v.24, pp.793-853
24 Nova L. Rev. 793
Miami, Florida Ordinance 5135 - prohibits liquor licensees from knowingly employing a homosexual person, knowingly selling to, serving, or allowing a homosexual person to consume alcoholic beverages, or knowingly allowing two or more homosexual persons to congregate or remain in his place of business
Inman v. City of Miami, 197 So.2d 50 - courts upheld 1954 ordinance as constitutional
1954 Ordinance declared unconstitutional because it "prohibited the presence and consumption of alcoholic beverages by alleged homosexuals regardless of whether their public behavior was proper and lawful."