Resources Which Present Two or More Contrasting Sides
NOTE: Many of the books, encyclopedias, and journals listed elsewhere on this site include multiple viewpoints on various issues of homosexuality. The resources listed below are specifically focused on providing two or more contrasting sides.
Topics include: Agriculture; Arts, Culture & Sports; Business & Economics; Defense & National Security; Education; Employment & Labor; Energy; Environment, Climate & Natural Resources; Government Budget & Taxes; Government Functions; Health; Housing & Development; Human Rights; International Relations; International Trade & Development; Law & Justice; Media; Personal & Family Relations; Religion; Science & Technology; Social Movements; Social Services & Disabilities; Transporrtation; U.S. Congress; U.S. Presidency; U.S. Supreme Court & Judicial System; War & Conflict
"The web site attempts to describe dozens of religions, faith groups, and controversial religious and moral topics in an objective, balanced manner."
"Debatabase topics provide both sides of the debate rather than giving just one side of the argument as most blogs, newspapers and other articles you can find online do."
This House...
- would "out" gay celebrities
- believes that the LGBT movement should not "out" gay politicians that publicly profess homophobic views
- would allow gay couples to marry
- would (as a Christian Church) allow the ordination of gay & lesbian priests
- believes homosexuals should be able to adopt
- believes that sexual orientation should be considered grounds for asylum
- would hold students legally responsible for bullying if it resulted in the victim's death
- would censor hate speech on campus
- believes that news organisations should be free to exclude news of homosexuality where it causes offence to their viewers
- would penalise religious hate speech
- would prohibit British companies from trading with governments that criminalise homosexuality
- would cut aid to African states that criminalise homosexuality
- believes the government of Uganda has failed its citizens over LGBT rights
If you have a public library card you have remote access to: Opposing Viewpoints in Context "brings together all the information that’s needed to fully understand an issue: pro and con viewpoint articles, reference articles that provide context, full-text magazines, academic journals, and newspapers, primary source documents, government and organizational statistics, multimedia, including images and podcasts, links to hand-selected web sites, and more!" Topics include: Gay parents, Gays in the military, Homosexuality, Same-sex marriage, Sex education
Subject coverage includes:
- Arts & Antiques
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- Audiobooks
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- Business
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- Conference Proceedings
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- En Español
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The resources listed below are generally identified as opposing homosexuality and gay rights.
Other resources with views opposing homosexuality and gay rights can usually be found by searching for the phrase "homosexual agenda" in general periodical databases and on the Internet via Yahoo, Google, etc.
December 15 (legislative day, November 27), 1950.
Serial Set Vol. No. 11401, Session Vol. No.11, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, S.Doc. 241
Interim report submitted to the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments by its Subcommittee on Investigations pursuant to S. Res. 280 (81st Congress) a resolution authorizing the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments to carry out certain duties.
Air Date: February 15, 2000
Interwoven with Billy Jack's story is FRONTLINE's larger examination of anti-gay attitudes, fears and beliefs that seem to permeate American society and lead to anti-gay violence.
- Billy Jack's Life & Death
- The Roots of Homophobia
- What the Bible Says
- The 'Gay Gene' Debate
- Who's Gay? What's Straight?
- Homophobia Questionnaire