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Encyclopedias, Dictionaries & Handbooks: E: History: America

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E 11-49.2: America

E 75-99: Indians of North America

E 151-169.12: United States--General

E 171-183.9: United States--History

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E 184: United States--Elements in the Population

E 184.5-185.98: United States--Elements in the Population--Afro-Americans

E 201-298: United States--The Revolution, 1775-1783

Search the UCF Library Catalog for other online books and other reference books about the U.S. Revolution.

E 401-415.2: United States--Mexican War, 1846-1848

Search the UCF Library Catalog for other online books about the U.S. Mexican War.

E 441-453: Slavery in the United States. Antislavery Movements

Search the UCF Library Catalog for other online books and other reference books about antislavery movements.

E 456-655: United States--Civil War Period, 1861-1865

Search the UCF Library Catalog for other online books and other reference books about the U.S. Civil War.

E 660-738: United States--Late Nineteenth Century, 1865-1900

E 740-837.7: United States--Twentieth Century

E 838-889: United States--Later Twentieth Century, 1961-2000