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F: History: America
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Encyclopedias, Dictionaries & Handbooks: F: History: America
online reference books
A: General Works
B: Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
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B-BD, BH-BJ: Philosophy. Aesthetics. Ethics
BF: Psychology
BL-BX: Religions
C: Auxiliary Sciences of History
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CT: Biography
D: World History/History of Europe, Asia, Africa
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DA-DR: Europe
DS: Asia
DT: Africa
DU: Oceania
E: History: America
F: History: America
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F 1-975: United States Local History
F 1001-1170: British, Dutch, French America
F 1201-3799: Latin America. Spanish America
G: Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
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G-GE: Geography. Oceanography. Environmental Sciences
GF-GT: Anthropology. Folklore. Manners & Customs
GV: Recreation. Leisure. Sport
H: Social Sciences
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HA: Statistics
HB-HC: Economics
HD: Industries. Land Use. Labor
HF: Commerce
HG: Finance
HM-HX: Sociology. Women. Social Welfare. Criminology
J: Political Science
K: Law
L: Education
M: Music & Books on Music
N: Fine Arts
P: Language & Literature
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P: Philology. Linguistics
PA-PC: Greek, Latin, Celtic, Romanic Languages
PE: English Language
PF-PG: Germanic, Slavic, Baltic & Albanian Languages
PJ-PL: Languages & Literatures of Asia, Africa, Oceania
PN: Literature (General)
PQ: French/Italian/Spanish/Portuguese Literature
PR: English Literature
PS: American Literature
PT: German, Dutch, Scandinavian Literatures
Q: Science
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QA-QC: Mathematics. Astronomy. Physics
QD: Chemistry
QE: Geology
QH-QR: Biology
R: Medicine
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RB: Pathology
RC: Internal Medicine
RD: Surgery
RE: Ophthalmology
RF: Otorhinolaryngology
RG: Gynecology & Obstetrics
RJ: Pediatrics
RK: Dentistry
RL: Dermatology
RM: Pharmacology
RT: Nursing
S: Agriculture
T: Technology
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TA-TN: Engineering
TL: Motor Vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics
TP: Chemical Technology
TR: Photography
TS: Manufactures
TT-TX: Handicrafts. Home Economics
U: Military Science
V: Naval Science
Z: Bibliography, Library Science, Info Resources (General)
F: History: America
F 1-975: United States Local History
F 1001-1170: British, Dutch, French America
F 1201-3799: Latin America. Spanish America
F 1201-1392: Mexico
F 1401-1419: Latin America (General)
F 1421-1577: Central America
F 1601-2151: West Indies
F 2201-3799: South America
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Reference Universe -- searching deeply into the indexes of more than 50,000 electronic and print specialized reference works from over 750 publishers.
E: History: America
E 11-49.2: America
E 75-99: Indians of North America
E 151-169.12: United States--General
E 171-183.9: United States--History
E 184: U.S.--Elements in the Population
E 184.5-185.98: U.S.--Afro-Americans
E 201-298: U.S.--The Revolution, 1775-1783
E 401-415.2: U.S.--Mexican War, 1846-1848
E 441-453: Slavery in the United States. Antislavery Movements
E 456-655: U.S.--Civil War Period, 1861-1865
E 660-738: U.S.--Late 19th Century, 1865-1900
E 740-837.7: U.S.--20th Century
E 838-889: U.S.--Later 20th Century, 1961-2000
E: History: America
F 1-975: United States Local History >>